3 Reasons You Might Need a Solea Laser Treatment

The Solea laser is a type of low-energy light that can be used for a variety of reasons in the dental world. The narrow beam of energy is not only powerful, it’s also exceptionally precise. It’s FDA-approved and the first of its kind to treat your tissue, bone, and enamel. We’ll look at why a dentist might recommend the Solea laser in Fargo, ND.

Cavity Removal

The Solea laser can repair cavities by vaporizing the decaying part of the tooth so it can be filled. It takes the laser just a few minutes to heat the tooth, and a patient won’t have to deal with the effects of the drill, which can make for a more uncomfortable procedure.

Gum Disease Treatment 

The more plaque and tartar you can remove from your gums, the healthier your gums will be. The Solea laser can target all the worst of the buildup, so you can start clean. This treatment can also prevent the progression of low-level diseases like gingivitis, which can help you maintain your oral health for that much longer.

Stubborn Canker Sores 

Canker sores can be more than just an annoyance that goes away after a few days. For those who are painful or inflamed, the Solea laser can help reduce the discomfort and speed up the healing process.

Solea Laser in Fargo, ND

When technology is constantly advancing every year, there are so many devices available today for dentists to choose from. For patients, it’s important to pick adentist in Fargo, ND, who understands these tools and how they can be best used to the patient’s advantage. If you’re looking for a practice that has done their homework about the Solea laser, contact Melinda Harr Dental today to see if it’s right for you.


How CEREC Machines Can Brighten Your Smile Today

Dentistry is constantly improving and enhanced through many different methods, developments, and technological improvements. CEREC is a leap forward in terms of restoring your confidence and smile.

At Melinda Harr Dental of Fargo, ND, we are proud to provide the local community with the utmost quality service, helping you achieve a brighter and more beautiful smile with the help of state-of-the-art technology coupled with a knowledgeable hand.

What is CEREC?

CEREC, which stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, is a cutting-edge dental technology that allows for same-day restorations. We combine 3D imaging, computer-aided design (CAD), and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) to create precise, custom-made dental restorations.

Benefits of CEREC

The CEREC method is a spectacular advancement in dental care, and it shows. Here are some of the most common benefits that you get when a knowledgeable team treats you with powerful technology:

Same-Day Restorations

Traditional methods often require multiple appointments, with temporary restorations in between. With CEREC, you can restore a damaged or decayed tooth and be ready to use in just a few hours.

Precise Fit

Because CEREC uses digital imaging to get a great picture and feel for your teeth, the resulting success is a much better fit for your mouth, beyond what a human hand can create.

Keep more of Your Natural Teeth.

Less of your natural tooth structure needs to be removed as CEREC restorations are milled from high-quality ceramic materials that closely mimic the appearance and strength of natural teeth.

Your Trusted Local Dental Care Partner

With the ability to transform your smile in a single visit, CEREC brings outstanding convenience and quality to your dental chair. During your next appointment with the adept team at Melinda Harr Dental of Fargo, ND, you can be sure you are getting the best care and guidance you and your family deserve.

Uses For the Solea Laser

Your dentist in Fargo, ND, offers the latest in available technologies to treat a wide range of dental issues. One of these technologies is the Solea® laser. Solea® is a laser dental tool that facilitates a precise, powerful and effective way to treat conditions related to soft gum tissue, dentin, enamel and bone.

When is the Solea® Laser Used in Dentistry?

Not every dentist is able to offer the Solea® laser. They may not have it in their office or be properly trained on its use. The Solea® laser tool is relatively recent, so having a dentist who has the specialized training and available of Solea® is of great benefit to patients.

The Solea® laser can be used to in place of older dental methods for:

  • Removal of old fillings
  • Part of the deep cleaning process
  • Part of the cavity treatment process
  • Placing crowns
  • Treating periodontal disease
  • Treating canker sores and other mouth ulcers
  • Conducting oral surgery on bone and gums
  • Root canal therapy
  • Removal of damaged or infected soft tissue
  • Reshaping soft tissue along the gum line
  • And more

One of the most impressive uses for the Solea® laser tool as far as patients can see, is reshaping the gum line. This is because it’s a visible treatment that delivers fast results.

How Does Solea® Work?

Solea® is a dental laser that works by delivering very rapid, pulsating beams of lights of a certain wavelength. These light beams are highly-intense, with thousands of pulses delivered each second.

Solea® is a preferred method of dentistry for millions of patients, due to its many benefits, like reduction or elimination of recovery time, quiet operation and pain-free process. When you need any kind of dental treatment done, look for the dentist offering Solea® in Fargo, ND. Contact us today to book an appointment.