How Does Professional Teeth Whitening Work?

We all strive for white teeth and a straight smile. However, achieving that goal isn’t always easy. From lengthy treatments and costly procedures, getting that perfect smile can take years. Luckily, professional teeth whitening can help!

Professional teeth whitening is a process typically done in a dental office. However, many providers can also send you home with a whitening kit you can use yourself. Whatever the case may be, professional teeth whitening can do wonders for your smile and appearance!

In this post, we’ll talk about some specifics on how professional teeth whitening is performed.

What Is Professional Teeth Whitening?

Professional teeth whitening is a popular service in a dental office. The process involves applying a special whitening solution to your teeth before using a curing light or laser to activate the substance. After treatment, many patients are blown away at the results!

Want to learn more about this dental treatment? Melinda Harr Dental is here to assist! Contact us today to learn about our outstanding teeth whitening in Fargo, ND.

What to Expect

Professional teeth whitening starts by understanding your current shade of teeth. Your provider will note this before starting treatment. Next, your teeth will be polished with pumice to remove any plaque.

Your mouth will then need to be protected from the whitening material. The provider may use gauze, retractors, and special barriers to keep your cheeks, tongue, gums, and lips away from the treatment area.

The following step involves applying the whitening material, which is typically hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, to your teeth. Then, a curing light or laser is used to activate the solution. The process is now complete! Patients may schedule future appointments until they’re satisfied with the results.

If you’re ready to boost your smile and confidence, schedule a teeth-whitening appointment with our skilled dentist in Fargo, ND!